Shoutbomb is not only a simple and effective means of communication for our Montana Shared Catalog consortium, but also a versatile tool for innovative community outreach. We have used Shoutbomb to share early literacy tips with parents of incoming Kindergarteners across the state and received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the effectiveness of this direct support in building parents’ confidence and children’s literacy skills.
ILS Support?
What ILS systems do we support?
Innovative Millennium
Innovative Sierra
Innovative Polaris
Innovative Virtua
SirsiDynix Symphony
SirsiDynix Horizon
Koha -- LibLime
Koha -- ByWater Solutions
The Library Corporation -- CARL.X
Do not see your ILS? Let us know and work with us to integrate your ILS. We will provide a discount on our licensing fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
What People Say About Us
Cara Orban, Statewide Projects Librarian, Montana State Library
Contact Us
If you have another question that we have not answered here, please fill out our contact form.